Finding the right preschool that suit children’s development is very important. As this is not the foundation environment where children can grow up happily and meaningfully, this place is also where parents build their trust and...
Upgrade the home meals’ quality for your kids following the Montessori philosophy
The quality of children’s meals is not only evaluated based on nutritional adequacy, but also other relevant and significant factors such as techniques and principles of eating. Many parents might have a “headache” when each meal...
PARENTING WORKSHOP: GROWING UP WITH YOUR CHILDREN’S EMOTION | What would parents do when children are in between tantrum?
Throughout the first years, kids are inevitably the busiest people in the world while they both have to get familiar with the world and get to know about themselves. The most difficult period must be their...
Through each child’s “prism”, the world has been much more colorful
In the eyes of children, colors exist everywhere and are considered as a means of connection for children to form their worldview. To each child, the color will be seen and perceived under different shades and...
05 standards to signify an international Montessori classroom
With over 110 years of formation and development, Montessori education philosophy has been trusted and applied by many preschools around the world. The designing of Montessori classrooms are required to follow the standards with accuracy and...
The role of educators in Montessori classroom – The observers with 200% energy at IMA
“The child’s inner need: Help me to do it by myself” – Dr. Maria Montessori This is a famous saying from an Italian educator – Doctor Maria Montessori, which is considered a guideline for educators...
IMA – Where nurtures the seeds of happiness
Last Saturday, the event “Nurturing the Seeds of Happiness” brought a meaningful weekend to our little families. At first, some kids were still embarrassed hiding themselves next to their parents. But the friendliness of IMA teachers...
Tips to safeguard your children in changing weather
In recent days, Saigon has very unpredictable weather. We do welcome a rainy surprise in the scorching heat. it is easy to directly affect the health of the children, causing some infectious diseases such as Flu,...
How To Improve The Concentration For Your Child?
Tips for Parents
Building the habit of concentration is so important for children because this will assist them in the learning path and also their future. However, every child has a different attention span. On average, children from 2...
Explore Five Learning Corners In Montessori Classes At IMA
Today, IMA will show you a lot of interesting things in our Montessori classrooms. Let’s follow IMA to explore it! The Montessori education method at IMA helps children to learn, play and experience in an optimal...
“Nothing goes into the mind that does not first go through the hands.” – Doctor Maria Montessori
Indeed, children are always fascinated by many things around them during their first years of life. Children often tend to hold, grasp, and reach for surrounding objects. Understanding this, Montessori’s learning tools are fully applied to...
Eating “Grown-up” is a skill that must be learned
Tips for Parents
The role of nutrition for preschool children is very important for comprehensive development both physically and mentally. Teaching children healthy eating habits that will last through adulthood. The single most influential factor regarding a child’s eating...