The green ecosystem

The school strives to emphasize the “green” feature in every aspect and activity that might impact children growing journey at IMA: 

  • The GREEN design: Thanks to the idea of an open space classroom, children’s experience and capacities are maximized to encourage them to explore the “untouched” knowledge.
  • The GREEN garden: Children were very excited because nature was no longer just in the pages, but already shown before their eyes. At these times, a leaf, a worm, a seed, a flower… all make children feel excited and interested.
  •  The GREEN classroom: The classrooms are well-designed so that the green space always presents in the eyes of children to explore, stimulate curiosity, and love nature from a very young age. Thereby, they can grow up in the most natural and holistic way.
Upgrade the home meals’ quality for your kids following the Montessori philosophy

Upgrade the home meals’ quality for your kids following the Montessori philosophy

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Through each child’s “prism”, the world has been much more colorful

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05 standards to signify an international Montessori classroom

05 standards to signify an international Montessori classroom

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The role of educators in Montessori classroom – The observers with 200% energy at IMA

The role of educators in Montessori classroom – The observers with 200% energy at IMA

“The child’s inner need: Help me to do it by myself” – Dr. Maria Montessori   This is a famous saying from an Italian educator – Doctor Maria Montessori, which is considered a guideline for educators...
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Tips to safeguard your children in changing weather

In recent days, Saigon has very unpredictable weather. We do welcome a rainy surprise in the scorching heat. it is easy to directly affect the health of the children, causing some infectious diseases such as Flu,...
How To Improve The Concentration For Your Child?

How To Improve The Concentration For Your Child?

Tips for Parents
Building the habit of concentration is so important for children because this will assist them in the learning path and also their future.  However, every child has a different attention span. On average, children from 2...
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